So I got a new phone in April. Since then my picture loading has been "iffy" I load them on the computer and it no longer saves the date taken and the photos were a little out of order. Which is a nightmare because my new phone holds a TON more photos than my old one so I got lazy and didn't load them for a few months. Here is what I have of April but I doubt they are in any chronological order. The above picture is at Souplantation for Kevin's birthday.
Kevin made this delish chocolate chip bread in the new bread maker he got for his birthday.
This month also included my first MS walk as a person who has MS. It was SO fun and can't wait until our next one!
April 1st my niece Rose was born. She is just so adorable.
We also got the new of my dad's dear cat George had to be put to sleep. The news shattered Kaylee's little heart. Mine too and we rushed over to give my dad hugs!
This face happen. She said, "But George was the only cat that let me pet him!" (It was only because he was old and didn't feel like moving)
I thought this was cute. Kaylee loves these singing and cooking competitions. This one is the voice.
These are more picture from Kevin's birthday dinner.
Then Kevin and I had a date. I think we also had a gift card. So that was awesome. I love Melting Pot!
Kaylee drew this unicorn which I love!!
Anyway, I will post more pictures as they as organized. Love you!