

Friday, November 2, 2012

Halloween 2012

 This year after much thought we had Halloween at my parents/our place.  It was really fun.  I will just caption the pictures.
 My mom was a pumpkin pi!  So clever!  She is a math teacher so she had fun sporting this at school and here at home.
Kaylee enjoying her chili and hot dogs

I made a jello brain!  I asked my mom to get gummy worms to drape out the bottom and she accidently got gummy bears which is hilarious and we used them anyway.  
We were going to make those sugatr

 This is the whole table.YUM!

Malcom was Mickey mouse.  I didn't like any I found at the store so we put this together and he is SO cute!

Aunt Claudia and out cheerleader Kaylee!  Go Cards!  haha  Claudia is a cat!
Grandma with a sleepy Malcolm

She got a lot of candy but she won't be eating it unless she does a good deed.  This girl is SUPER sensitive to sugar!
Oh and we were the "cool" parents going as "Ravers"  You can't see it really but we wore glow sticks ans Kevin played techno from his phone as we walked and he did some tricks with the glow sticks. (Late add: I found this one shows more of our awesomeness! Below)

The trick or treating gang!  I wish I got a picture of Claudia's boyfriend Julio.  He stayed behind and hung out with mom since he had surgery on his leg.  We had a great time!

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