

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Star Wars Valentines

I wrote about what I did for valentine's but I forgot to mention the awesome things my husband did for me!  He bought me a beautiful card and then he also picked up a Lego Star Wars valentines which included valentines, a poster, and stickers.  One of Kevin and my favorite type of game to play together is the Lego Video games.  We have a TON of them.  We have Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Batman, Harry Potter (of course), and Pirates of the Caribbean (we haven't played that one yet still working on Harry Potter).  So I thought this was pretty cool.  On the valentines he wrote a fun pun on each one and hid them around the house for me to find.  Here are some of them.  He is quite creative!!

You are the Death Star to my Empire
I love you and the way you...Luke
You stormed my heart, you real trooper
You are one...Hoth Tamale!
You don't have to go to Dagobah to find me, I'll always be right here
Please don't cut me open, I'm not a Ton-Ton
You are the Darth in-vador of my heart (This was one of my favorites)
The force is strong with youm you are my one valentine!
I'm glad you are not Jar Jar Binks (Another Favorite)
I won' to do anything, but I want you to be my valentine.
No more flying Han-Solo for me, I've got my co-pilot
You don't wear your hair in buns, but you will always be my princess!
You won't have to force choke me to say, "I love you" I do it gladly :-)
Yoda one who is going to be my valentine
You're the light...saber of my life

I like the little pauses he put in some of them like, "wait for it....there it is!"  lol  Oh he also wrote one from Kaylee to Mom on the teacher valentine, "From: Kaylee Thanks for teaching me everything I know =-) -Love you Mommy"  So cute!!

He wrote on the poster, "We make a great team, be my Valentine!"  So yes my husband is awesome and I am so grateful to have a wonderful Valentine!  Plus he is funny :-)

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