

Friday, April 20, 2012

Full Term

Can you believe it?  The end has come.  Well, almost.  I am 37 weeks 3 days pregnant.  I feel....very comfortable.  I am excited to see my boy, but there is room for him to grow.  I had a doctors appointment today, I have gained 2 pounds so 2 more pounds until I get to my pre-pregnancy weight.  I know, I'm lucky.  I am 2 cm dilated, and 60% effaced and so probably not in the next week.  But hopefully soon.  I talked to her today about how long I can keep him in before something has to be done to get him out (whether that is breaking my water and crossing our fingers or a repeat c-section) and she said that I can't go too far over due because of the increased risk of my uterus rupturing (ow!).  So we know it will be at most not long after May8th.  I'm ok with and April or May baby.  I think a May 5th baby would be awesome because of cinco de Mayo.  But I'm a nerd like that.  I've decided that if he is born in May at all he will be getting a cinco de Mayo first birthday party.  We make pretty dang good mexican food with homemade tortillas.  Anyway....

This is me taken yesterday at 37 weeks.  We went out and had Kaylee play outside.  Mainly walking around and picking up nature.  I feel the best while walking.  I could walk all day I think.  Well, I will keep you all updated.  This is a crazy time.  We still have so much to do and clean!

1 comment:

  1. Cindy, you look fabulous! I am a total nerd about dates too...I am already plotting dates for this one, and we're four months away. Cinco de Mayo would be awesome, but I can't wait to see him no matter when he decides to debut! Good luck! :)
